A standardised interface (API) for querying, accessing and navigating
SKOS-based vocabularies - concepts, collections and their relationships.
SISSVoc is a Linked Data API for accessing published vocabularies. SISSVoc provides a RESTful interface via a set of URI patterns that are aligned with SKOS. These provide a standard web interface for any vocabulary which uses SKOS classes and properties.
SISSVoc provides web pages for human-readable views, and machine-readable resources for client applications (in RDF, JSON, and XML). SISSVoc is implemented using a Linked Data API façade over a SPARQL endpoint. This approach streamlines the configuration of content negotiation, styling, query construction and dispatching.
SISSVoc is being used in a number of projects, mainly in the environmental sciences, where controlled vocabularies are used to support cross-domain and interdisciplinary interoperability. SISSVoc simplifies access to vocabularies for end users, and provides a web API to support vocabulary applications.
The link below provides a register of other known SISSVoc services.
Design and technical documentation is available via the Spatial Information Services Stack (SISS) wiki site.
The SISSVoc 3.0 API wiki page provides documentation on the requirements and API design details (with SPARQL patterns and examples).
SISSVoc journal paper available via IOS Press
and Semantic Web Journal.
Cite as:
Cox, S., Yu, J. & Rankine, T. 2014 SISSVoc: A Linked Data API for access to SKOS vocabularies. Semant. Web (in press). doi:10.3233/SW-140166.
The easiest way to get started is to download the latest SISSVoc package. The current version of SISSVoc is 3.6-rc3 and is available as a packaged WAR file. This can be deployed on Tomcat Web Application services (v8.0+ with JRE8+ recommended). SISSVoc is maintained on Github here: SISSVoc at Github.
SISSVoc is built on top of ELDA and the default download packages are synchronised with specific releases of ELDA.
We recommend that users wishing to quickly test or try out SISSVoc can do using the SISSvoc docker image.
Configuration of the docker image is also simple via mapping of files as volumes.
For users that would like to configure their deployments in a traditional way, instructions can be found here.
Some tools have been developed to utilise SISSVoc for search and visualisation - see the following links. Currently our SISSVoc Search allows users to point to a SISSVoc endpoint and carry out search functions.
The ARDC also provides a vocabulary widget for embedding in webpages (link provided below).